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A community network focused on influencing large-scale development plans in Old Oak and Park Royal.
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The Plans: The proposals could bring the biggest changes to the area since industry and railways shaped the land in the 19th century. Planned developments include redevelopment of Old Oak Common area with offices and homes (25,500 homes and 65,000 new jobs across Old Oak and Park Royal); construction of the High-Speed-2 railway alongside Crossrail and the Great Western Main Line. Development will take place over the next 25 years or more.
The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) is now developing its Local Plan (planning policy). Until its Local Plan is adopted it will use the planning policy of Brent, Ealing and Hammersmith & Fulham, the London Mayor’s Old Oak and Park Royal Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF) and its developing Local Plan todetermine planning applications.
Developers: Two big developers already have plans for the OPDC area or part of it – Cargiant, that wants to relocate its business and sell its land for housing development and Queens Park Rangers that wants to create a 40,000 stadium at the heart of Old Oak Common.
Residents and community groups influencing the plans: The Grand Union Alliance was set up as a network of resident and community groups and small businesses across sections of the three boroughs that will be impacted by the developments (in and around the development area). It aims to increase community understanding of and to influence the plans. Most of its proposed ‘ground rules’ around community involvement in the development of the OPDC's planning policy and planning applications are included in the OPDC's Statement of Community Involvement. It produced a model response for its members to use in response to consultation on the Old Oak and Park Royal Opportunity Area Planning Framework. It produced collaborative responses to consultations on the OPDC's draft (regulation 18) Local Plan and evidence based documents produced to support the plan. It is holding a series of meetings and a conference on the OPDCs draft (regulation 19 Local Plan)
Click here to read the timeline of the development with links to the relevant documents, here to see Grand Union Alliance responses to consultation here for more information on the development of the OPDC's Local Plan.
Click on the image to see the OPDC video
Click on the image to download the boundary map
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